Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mocheena Boroda.

So the title is "Man Beard" in Russian. Someone taught it to the boys that came, and they all had beards...and said it over. and over again :)

Ok, So I figured that I should write something on here before Grandma beat me up. Sorry if it really in exciting. I'm pretty tired right now. So here I go.

We have a had a busy couple weeks. Between Senior Banquet, to Ram Corps, to the end of school.
Last tuesday, the team arrived here. So long story short, I went everywhere with them. I had a really good time getting to know them and what not. And I'm glad that I got the opportunity to experience some of what University of Mobile is like. It is now actually one of the colleges that I'm really, seriously looking at. So far that I know, the people there are amazing and the art program is as well. Also, they give amazing scholarships and Ram Corps is also a scholarship.. So if it is were I decide to go, I would definitely want to be in that. So it's all allot of fun and I definitely cant wait till next summer so I can go check the College out.

So, dad let me take his camera basically everywhere we went, and I took pictures of just about everything. It was allot of fun. So that's basically it. So now I'm going to put some of my favorite pictures up of some of the events :)


                                                       Tyler playing at Hinkson
Pippin moving...... As usual. 

Nathan playing at Hinson.
Some Russian who came back again to watch them :)

                                              Haha. Tyler was pretty happy !
Rachel and Sarah at the RamCorps performance at Hinkson
Anthony, Marcus, and Tina at the same performance.
The most adorable little girl, EVER.
                                                            Brad doing what he does!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi,very nice blog