Friday, September 14, 2007


Hello all!
I come to you right now, one because im convicted about not writing lately. and two because i should actually write.

So hello.
We just got back from our washington trip, and lets just say.... it was interesting.

So since the last time I wrote, allot has happened.
1. I have a boyfriend.
Yes a boyfriend. A great boyfriend of whom my parents both approve of. :)
By the name of Tanner:)

Oh and were doing a project in school and what not where we do a video and stuff.

Sorry, my mind is a little jumbled right now so just bear with me.
AR and I have just about combined minds and we rule the school.... haha. not really.
Salsa dancing is getting so cool now.
and now i get to dance with tanner :)
yay me!
ok well i have food calling me and then sleep. so I will write a better blog tomorrow.
Nighty Tighty!
OHH! I forgot! Tomorrow is the FLorida Tennesee game!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A boyfriend is a great thing, huh! Want to hear more about your DC trip too.

Aunt Kay