Saturday, June 21, 2008

My mother was a black dwarf from somewher in the north...

Excuse the title of this... It's from Prince Caspian... and He was like "Why didn't you tell me about my father?" " My mother was a black swarf from the north.." I laughed at that for like 5 or 10 minutes. :)
So I havent blogged. So I did today :)
John John Jumping
Lonely Russian Girl
Mother and Daughter
Old Man :)
Granddaughter & Grandfather
Hannah Jumping :)
Playing in the Sand :)

A russian Cross :)
Hannah at the Park.

So, I've decided to write some things that I've noticed are different here. :)

1. Not matter how many different green vegetables I eat, I will never be any taller than I am right now.

2.I love everything old. Like, Music, clothes, stuff like that. I'm fascinated with other era's.

3. I laugh like a little kid. Seriously. Like a dang 4 year old.

4. I'm apparentlly a hippie. Yeah... I've been told this numerous times.

5. I'm really career oriented. Yeah, shocked me too.

6. I'm an okay photographer. And it is most certainly what I want to do with my life.

7. I've become Russian.... You don't want to mess with me on the metro... It isn't pretty :)

8. My little sister is going to be taller than I am by this time next year.

9. I'm a poster fanatic.. Honestly I have like 237462734. Yeah. It's allot.

10. I won't ever take a dryer for granted.

11. The Russian Soccer team is, "Like a chicken running around without it's head" -Ivan.

All I'm going to say. Except that they won last night! WOOH!

12. I'm the most ticklish person everr.

13. I love the music from the nineties... I mean, I was born and raised in that time, I ought to love it right?

14. I have the strangest memory.

15. I used to do a mile in 20 minutes.... since being here... 6 minutes.

Now things I miss..

1. THE BEACH! I miss the beach sooo much, you honestly don't have a any idea.

2. I miss my grand ma and grandpa's house :( I love that house, and honestly can't wait till I get to go back there!

3. Pickles... I know, something weird.. But hey, It's my favorite things ever. And I only eat dill... soo. yeah.

4. Murray Hill.. I seriously miss this place so much. I miss going to concerts whenever I felt like it.

5. I miss going to sonic with Brent and rob and seeing movies with them :)

6. I miss on Wednesdays, when I would watch the Project Runway or Top Chef Marathons all day long :)

7. I obviously miss my family, and friends. :)

8.I miss going to football games. Seriously.

9. I miss having a swimming pool in my backyard.

10. I miss hanging out with my friends.

11. I miss Kory being a retard in church :)

12. I miss youth group.

13. I miss Palm Trees.... yeah. I know. It's an odd thing to miss.

14. I miss getting discount coupons at Chic-Fil-A because Brent worked there :)

15. I miss going to Orlando, or St. Augustine, or anywhere really.

Now somethings I'm not going to all.


1. The love bugs. That's all I have to say right?

2. Having to wait for Brent to pick me up to go anywhere.

3. The 15 dollars it costs to get a poster...Here they are like barely 2 dollars :)

4.Having a job :)

5.Having to keep the front and backyard clean. Not missing that :)

6.Having to go to church like a million times on Sunday and Wednesday.

7. Having to have a drivers licence to go anywhere.

8. not being able to walk around.

9. Having to feel like I need to dress up and impress people.

10.Gas prices. :)

Well that's it for that :)

I don't think that allot of y'all have heard that I just got accepted to go on the Mission Trip for my school to Uganda this spring!
I'm really really excited about it!!

Well that's basically all that;s going on right now.

Above are some pictures that I took at The park the other day!

Love y'all!
