I dont know why I love them so much, I just do. My favorite song is
Hey Jude.
So, you could imagine how happy I was when
Across the Universe, came out. Its a story set in the 60's about war, love, peace, and what not. But the main character is Jude, a sailor from Liverpool who came to America to find his father. He falls in love with a girl named Lucy, his best friends sister. Now, I wont tell you all that happens, but its amazing. Honestly. And the soundtrack....I cant even begin to explain how amazing it is. They sing 33 beatles songs in the whole movie.
I just thought I would share about the most amazing movie ever :) Thats also were my title came from.
Have you ever noticed how quickly time goes away?
I mean really. Weve already been here for 4 months. And it still seems like we just got here.
I mean, really. It seems like just yesterday I was turning 13 and wishing I was 16. And now im 15 and counting down the days until im 16. Its honestly crazy. I mean as I look over even the past couple years, i realized just how much time ive wasted. In like everything. Ive wasted time worrying about what other people thought of me, ive wasted time acting like an idiot, ive wasted time on the computer, Ive wasted time here by not making friends sooner. I just plain ol wasted time.
And those were my rants for this week :)
I went to choir today and it was ok.
I have to go back on friday. Last weekend I went to rachel and rebeccas house after school on friday and then went to the basketball game and then to hannah and jays house. then we went to the next basketball game on sat. They were both really well played and so close. We have two really great teams :)
Im going to go do the dishes and what not.
So thanks for listening.